Bangladesh now a days has become a Giant in the world clothing – Apparel
sector. The garments industry of here has been the key export division and main
source of foreign exchange for about last 25 years. The industry provides
employment to 03 million workers of whom 80% are women. This sector is entirely
export oriented and is composed of over 6000 units- mostly working for
International Buyer, also some owned by International Companies. At present
Bangladesh gaining maximum market share by the well support of Importer, whole
seller in EU, UK, USA, Cana.
The Zara Group is one of the leading
multi-disciplined contractors in Bangladesh.It functions through it's two core
operating companies - On-Line Engineering and Leighton and through its diverse
range of complementary Associated Businesses.
The Zara Group operates through the businesses in the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, UK, Oman
and Bahrain, and is looking forward to expand it's activities or business
further into the Middle East and North Africa.more.